Dance Fantasy Story

For many years the world of international show business knows the “Dance Fantasy” as one of the best and most skilled groups in know-how to fill an evening with high quality entertainment.

Many big names in showbiz already worked with this company. Lots of young artists were added to the world of fame after they had collaborated in international tours and in national performances that resulted in a long list of positive articles in the national and international press.

They did it all, Europe, the Far- and Middle East and the Caribbean and have a good reputation in luxury 5 stars-hotels like Sheraton, Hilton, Meridian and others. Through the years these show people gained admiration and had one success after the other.
Apart from working for big casinos, cruise-lines, disco’s and family parks they also do fashion shows, business parties, fairs, festivals and gala dinner shows!

Singing, dancing, acrobatics and even fire spitting are only some of their skills.
Altogether a group that makes a big success out of any event!!dancers


You can create your own “Dance Fantasy”. Just mix!

There are little acts from 3 to 4 minutes
Also special numbers from 7 to 15 minutes

It’s possible to have one 15-30 minutes scene or a non-stop 45 minutes show

With a total of 3 hours of entertainment!!!

It’s possible to involve the audience in some of the acts or to modify the choreography. If you want your guests to feel really welcome, Dance Fantasy welcomes them at the entrance.

The themes are various, Broadway, Old fashion, tap, disco, house, street, singing and acrobatics. Make a fantastic trip around the world. From the far and Middle East to the Caribbean and from Africa to South-America.
For more details visit our picture-page.

It’s up to you!